Thursday, August 1, 2013

Grayson Turned 1!

My baby is all grown up! He has turned into quite the little independent little guy! I can't believe it's been a year! It has flown on by and I wouldn't change anything about the last year!
He had many first's on his first birthday weekend! We celebrated it a week early so Tyler could have the day off and we moved into our house the weekend of his actual birthday! Needless to say he was SPOILED!
My mom came down a day early and took us all to Hogle Zoo! It is quite the zoo! I would pay to go there again, it is very worth the money!
Look at that sweet mug! 

Anyways, photo bomb of my favorite animals to ensue... 

That polar bear is made of LEGOS! 95,000 to be exact! It was really cool!


I really enjoyed the rinos and elephants! The baby elephant loved the water!


My most favorite were the giraffes! They came into their enclosure which is open to the public! We were soo close! it was amazing!

For Grayson's party we went swimming! This was the first time he had gone! It took him a while to get used to the water but seemed to have a lot of fun! 

Our group of babies really had fun! They all loved the slide! I love Kendra's face!


To end we had a BBQ! I found Grayson's cake online and am pretty happy with how it turned out! It was stressful, but a lot of fun! Grayson didn't get the whole open presents thing and would get incredibly distracted with each present that was opened! Grayson didn't like to ride the four-wheeler, but LOVED pushing Lynnlee on it! Such a silly boy! He really loved his cake! He's a junk-food junkie, just like his mom!


I sure love this little boy and his dad! Can't imagine my life without them! 
Until next time....

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