Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend with Some Odds and Ends

At first Memorial Day weekend was going to get a bust for us. Everyone we knew was going camping and as much as I LOVE camping, being 31 weeks pregnant made the idea a little more than daunting. At the last minute Tyler's family changed plans because we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 1st Swallow grandbaby . due at ANY time. Instead of camping, we made a day visit to Salt Lake. First we went to a swap meet where Tyler's dad found baby Texas hats ( for those that don't know, Swallows are Texan's through and through!)! We scored this little beauty and baby Grayson will have a hat to match his daddy!

Next, we made a stop at the new City Creek Mall in downtown Salt Lake. It was pretty cool for my small town Idaho eyes! It actually has a creek running through it! With fish!! It also comes with some really neat sky-walk bridges and retractable roofs for crummy weather; which we ran into! And there's a baby belly pic!


On a side note we found a restaurant called, Jason's Deli (google it!) and they offer gluten free bread for their sandwiches. I got this little beauty:

and BOY WAS IT GOOD! Talk about a pregnant girl in heaven. We also found a gluten free bakery that makes gourmet cupcakes. Sorry, but the Red Velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting didn't even make it long enough for a picture. YUM! On Monday we had a BBQ and campfire at the Swallow house to finish off a great weekend! Just been gettin' my food on here in Utah, that's all! :) 

Anyhooo.... On to the odds and ends.
Tyler's been busy with baseball practice, here's a few gems that show how much fun he is having: 

Now, to end I have a funny story. We recently got a 10 gallon fish tank from Mitch when he upgraded to a larger one. We put 4 gold fish inside. Only 2 survived to flourish. 

Well the tank got dirty and Tyler cleaned it. He cleaned it with soap and apparently didn't rinse it out quite enough.... we woke up the next morning to another dead fish and this lining the top of the water: 
We didn't have high hopes for our last goldfish. We re-cleaned the tank and hoped for the best. We also bought a sucker-fish and 2 crabs in hopes that we would have to clean the tank less ourselves (for the safety of fish kind). It's been 5 days since "the cleaning" and our fish is still alive!! I call our crabs ninja crabs because they can climb up the filter and tubes by jumping off the plants and ship and "flying" to their destination! It blows my mind and creeps me out because they remind me a bit of spiders, but they haven't got out yet so they are still on my good side! Here's one ninja crab in all his known glory....

Sorry this post is a little long, we just have so much going one! My baby shower is Saturday and baby Lynnlee will be here by then so I need to keep up! Another post next week! Promise! Our summer is DEFINITELY starting to pick up! Also, if you want to see our epic escapade with the Solar Eclipse check out this page..... there's a belly pic.... :)
Until next time....


  1. I may or may not have seriously laughed out loud when I saw the bubble picture. Way to go, Tyler! You guys look so great, keep the blog updates coming. I'd figure I'd become a public stalker of your blog instead of a secret one :)


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