Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's Summer Time!!

Summer for us is just beginning! We are getting busy and things are happening! First of all Tyler is MUCH more busy than I am. We are extremely blessed and he just got a raise! The Lord is definitely looking out for us; we couldn't be more grateful. He is still in school, we (mostly me) feel it's very important to keep chugging away at school to get Tyler finished. He's currently taking 6 credits and pluggin' away like a champ! Baseball season has started and Tyler is coaching Tommy's(his little brother) little league team with his dad this summer. Already it's been very very fun! Tyler is also in the Young Men's Presidency and goes to mutual every Tuesday. I think we are really starting to enjoy Tremonton. It seems to be growing on us.
What about me you ask? I'm busy growing a baby! We are 30 wks as of Monday the 21st! 10 weeks left! Give or take! I would like to take, but our little man needs to come out healthy so I will suffer! I was worried about summer coming and surviving the summer heat, but I am beginning to remember all I LOVE about summer and trying to enjoy it! When I have the energy, I nest like crazy! Here are a few examples....
We have been SOO blessed when it comes to clothes! First I found a REALLY good deal on KSL and we got clothes from Newborn to 2T! Then Tyler's Aunt Marina gave us a lot of her baby clothes she no longer needed! My mom also saved a LOT of things that we went through and got our little man ALL outfitted for his first yr! They are all washed and folded or packed for later!
Our nursery is slowly making a metamorphosis from clutter to organized and ready.

We are excited for our little man to get here! Here's to hoping for a fun and easy summer! 
Until next time.....

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