Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Jan 2024

January started off at a run. The school hosted a donuts with dad breakfast. None of us can seem to remember why Lyla stayed home this day and is not in the picture. 

Over Christmas break, Tyler found a great deal on these hanging lights for the deck. Costco also have the table for a STEAL! The heat broke our other one. Brutal. 
I mean, I know it's not Utah/Idaho, but the heater broke in the Primary room one Sunday. Spoiler alert, it breaks the AC in the summer, too. It's just lovely. Anyways, we FROZE! I kept my coat on the full hour. Even the wiggle songs didn't warm me up.  

Nolan's 3rd grade field trip was a tour a Globe Life Field. Tyler got to be a chaperone again. It's kind of a new family tradition as long as it keeps working out to be an option! They said it was ok, but that Fan Fest is much more fun! They didn't have the World Series trophy there! Apparently, it makes appearances all over the place.  

Nerds were in the kids stockings and it's so funny to watch how they eat them. Lyla  loves to dress up. The crazier the better. 

Grayson continues to be a great kid at school. He amasses so many points that he was able to get a collection of these cute animal mashers. 

One of our favorite family activities happened again this January. The Texas Rangers held another Fan Fest event. I was very sick and did not get to go, but Tyler took the kids. Mitch and Emily were able to come up for it as well. It seemed like a blast. There are so many things to see and enjoy at the ball field! 

The kids killed it at wiffle ball and we can't wait for baseball season to begin! 

Yes, that is THE Pudge Rodriguez behind Nolan. Sneaky picture, by Nana. 

The trophy WAS there this time, but the line was a MILLION miles long, so the took a picture of a picture with it. Same thing, right? 

Obligatory cousin twin photo. It's so fun to watch these kids connect like very little time passes. We are looking forward to our trip to Branson this summer! 

Briskkkeeeettttt. We are bunch of carnivores over here when Tyler uses the smoker. 

MOST OF ALL, Grayson was received the Priesthood and was ordained a Deacon. I was worried that he wasn't ready. He wasn't old enough. It's crazy that we are already at this milestone. However, over the last few months I've noticed him changing, growing and maturing. By the end of February, he's passed the sacrament, given a talk, taught a lesson at church, led an activity and been to the Temple.  Such an awesome milestone for Grayson. He's always willing to work and do his best. I love watching the new Deacons pass the sacrament. They look scared and confused, but they bring a willingness and humbleness that I love watching. They are eager to serve, even when they have no idea what's going on. They look for the other boys for an example and do their best to give us all an opportunity to take the Sacrament. 

His very first activity of the year was a flight activity. Every youth got to go on a short ride in a small airplane. Tyler said this picture ended in an emergency landing. Tyler noticed it, but the kids... not so much. Tyler did not go back up that day. 

We just keep finding milestone after milestone around here. Nolan has a snaggle tooth that is better fixed earlier than later. He got a spacer in December (it popped out after 4 days, just as he got used to it, siigggghhh.). They reinserted the spacer and added a top row of braces. He picked blue bands because that is his favorite color. 

Tyler found out that he was needed on a few work trips in January and February. On his first trip I sent him a picture of our "no dad dinner". He was bummed because apparently he love's mac and cheese with hotdogs. Who new? 

Baseball season is right around the corner and we can't wait to dive into the madness. 
Until next time... 

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