Monday, January 9, 2023

Nov 2022

 Tyler did the most interesting things this month. He took a work trip to Kansas City for a work conference. This job has stretched him, given him new opportunities and taught him so much already! He also got to do a service project for an organization called Creature Teacher. They take unique animals to schools around the metroplex. Tyler got to met and play with some really cool animals! They also did a service project for a big cat sanctuary in the area. The YM program here is really fortunate to have great leaders giving them some great opportunities. 

The kids really love when they get to create. They also love to get pictures of their work so they can remember it always. They enjoy fake sleeping for photos.
I have had a bell set for a few years. This year I actually get to use them! I'm very excited to sing Christmas songs and ring bells in Primary! I've also been taking a Music Theory class, It continues to blow my mind. I cannot express how much I have learned Music and the way that the sounds come together, is NEVER an accident. 

Another snake was found. This one was very cold, so it was also very slow. It was interesting to see how the whole cold blooded thing works. We did NOT keep this snake, either. 
Lyla is really coming into her own. It is amazing to watch her reading and writing skills emerge. It's even more fun to see that she enjoys it. I hope we can continue to help our kids love school and the opportunities they have to learn. It is crazy to see how much money our Texas school does. There is a definite difference in the resources they have available. I see quite a difference in the curriculums they are given in the school day. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Grand Prairie this year. It was the first time we have seen Tyler's grandma, "Texas Grandma" in about 4 years. Lillie's family was also there. It was a typical Thanksgiving crowd, but still felt a little quite. Not in a good or bad way, just different. 

The kids had the whole week off from school. We spent it watching ALL 8 Harry Potter movies and decorating for Christmas. They are getting to the age where they just know what to do. They try to make things look nice. 

Our local Aldi had Venus flytraps for $5! I was so excited and bought one for each kid. However, we killed them dead in like one week. They were so healthy and then the next second, they were dead. Not sure what we did wrong, but we will have to try again. 

Until next time... 

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