Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Family Pictures 2020

 My family put up with me once again for family pictures! Each year they get more patient with me. Each year, their smiles get better! This year, Tommy and Kendra tagged along. Kendra pushed the buttons and Tommy makes the kids' smiles a little more real! 

Tyler always sneaks in a GQ picture. This one looks so good! Hubba, hubba! There is only a hint of ridiculousness. 

I got home to find that Lyla was making funny faces on the front row! 

Don't worry, we still got a good one!

I'm really happy with the way they turned out! 
Lyla was so on point that there is no other picture to rival this one! With both boys I couldn't choose a favorite!
 In October, we made a big family decision! 
Until next time...

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