Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Family Pictures 2020

 My family put up with me once again for family pictures! Each year they get more patient with me. Each year, their smiles get better! This year, Tommy and Kendra tagged along. Kendra pushed the buttons and Tommy makes the kids' smiles a little more real! 

Tyler always sneaks in a GQ picture. This one looks so good! Hubba, hubba! There is only a hint of ridiculousness. 

I got home to find that Lyla was making funny faces on the front row! 

Don't worry, we still got a good one!

I'm really happy with the way they turned out! 
Lyla was so on point that there is no other picture to rival this one! With both boys I couldn't choose a favorite!
 In October, we made a big family decision! 
Until next time...

September 2020

 The first week of September, Nolan started his first day of Kindergarten! This boy is so so ready and excited for school! He's very shy everywhere but at home. It will be interesting to see what kind of kid he's going to be in the classroom. I'm excited to see how he adjusts to not knowing anyone. He is in PM and I'm kinda bummed. I really prefer AM. However, his classroom is RIGHT next to Grayson's. They pick each other up each day to come out to carpool. Speaking of Carpool, I'm in the line 3, yes, THREE times a day. I REALLY hate the carpool line. 

He loves Spiderman and his favorite color is blue! He wants to be a Policeman when he grows up. 

Lyla was surprised and sad, when both "brudders" were at school. She was making a weird noise as we left Nolan in line. When I asked her what was wrong she simply replied, "brudders". So sweet and pitiful! 

On Labor Day weekend we went fishing in our favorite spot, Mountain Valley Trout Farm. Yes, it's a farm, but we ALWAYS catch fish and we ALWAYS have some to bring home. Everyone caught a fish, but Nolan and Lyla chose not to pose for a picture. It was a beautiful beginning of fall day. 

Lillie and Colton made a quick pitstop on their way home from a wedding. Most of the cousins were there and the kids had a fun Sunday playing. Lyla took a picture with Alamo, just to show how truly GIANT he is. 

On Labor Day Monday, we went in search of a disc golf course. Our favorite one was closed and we happened on some people who gave us some other places to try. This place was super simple, but everyone had fun. Lyla rode her bike around the course while the boys played. Someone who lives on the course had a whole bunch of discs he randomly finds. He let each kid choose one. They were so excited to have their very own! 

We had a CRAZY wind storm and the dump opened for free tree limb drop-off. We took advantage by chopping down what we call, The Death Tree. It is SUPER poky and Tommy once jumped into a pile of it's branches for $20. He was poked and bleeding all over. I mean, our fence isn't like super sturdy, but the wind storm did manage to do some damage. We also cleaned out the garden. Playing with the sunflower stalks was a highlight. We even found a hidden watermelon the size of my fist. We were so excited to see that we didn't completely fail in the melon department. 

Tyler got a leaf blower this summer and I always catch the kids playing with it. Tyler took some hilarious photos of leaf blower fun! 

Lyla is so helpful at the store. Nolan LOVES orange mints and making funny faces. Grayson is adjusting well to this crazy school year and also loves making funny faces. 

It is starting to get colder. S.O.S. Please send help! I'm old now and NOT looking forward to the cold winter. We are spending what time we can outdoors when it's nice and sunny. Grayson snuck out the space heater early on morning. Lyla and Nolan sometimes get a long. Lyla makes her daddy proud when she appropriately plays with the Schleich animals. She loves to put families together. 

Next up, family pictures! 
Until next time...