Tuesday, December 31, 2019

November 2019

November wasn't quite as busy as I expected! The weather stayed a little warmer than usual and we still spend a fair amount of time outside! Tyler ran the Turkey trot 5k and we had hot chocolate while we waited.


We had our first big glasses mishap. A couple days after fresh lenses (without scratches), the whole side completely popped off! Cue frustrated mom. Our eye doctor is in Logan and it usually takes about a week for repairs.... now that he is older and MUCH more verbal, we are on the hunt for a doctor in town. 

Mitch and his family decided to leave us forever in the next couple of months. As they are getting ready to move they gave the kids a going away present. A fish tank! It came with a goldfish named Goldie.... It's been a while since we've had one. I've been assured that this requires little to no cleaning..... we will see! We took the kids to Petco and let each one pick a guppie. Grayson got a red one... named Reddy..... Nolan got a blue one named...... Blue...... Lyla picked a yellow one and the boys were SURE she chose to name it... Bleh.... Tyler picked one and named it Cobra. Just keeping it real here!  I always catch them on the counter checking out the fish.

Papa Murphy's had a 50% night and we got the kids their own pizzas to make. They were very self-motivated and did most of the work on their own! 

Disney+ came out and this is how I feel about it....
We are really enjoying it so far! There is soo much to choose from that it's difficult to decide where to start! 
My children are constantly doing things that make me laugh! Lyla just wants the people to give her space. Grayson is just a goofball who wants to do all the big kid things! Nolan is always creating a new way to play with all the office supplies. Usually it's some time of aircraft. This day, it was prisoner restraints. 

I only have the picture of Grayson... but you can literally shoot your eye out with a bb gun! Who knew?! I did not understand, the idea seemed impossible... APPARENTLY..... the bb can bounce back! Nolan got a small welt on his cheek from one bouncing back! We will be more careful in the future!

As we go ready for Thanksgiving the snow decided to fall. We left a day early to skip driving through a storm and it was a GOOD decision! We got a total of 18 inches in about two days! We came home to soo much snow! We were in Idaho with my family for Thanksgiving this year. They had almost no snow compared to the amount we came home to! Nolan built a snowman with snow at my moms and Tyler had to shovel off the car at home! 

Rolls are the boys' favorite Thanksgiving food! Tyler caught my mom and gramma resting after all their hard work!

Lyla was so very tired because a nap was missed. We played Tenzi and Grayson was so thrilled that he could play the game too! 
We got our Black Friday game on! I found most of my AWESOME deals (a hoverboard) before Black Friday, but we still decided to buy a giant TV. The price was right.. so why not? To us, it is huge! 

We also decided to do this 10 year challenge everyone is talking about. We bought our first 42in tv in 2011 for MORE $$$$ than the 65in this year. Technically it's only 8 years... and we had to have Grayson take the picture... but enjoy! We took those pictures on a digital camera, look at the flashbulb and red eyes!


Next, we got our Christmas tree ready for Christmas! We are excited!
The Christmas season comes next!
Until next time...

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