Saturday, November 24, 2018

July: Grayson's Birthday and Everything Else

Grayson turned six and I do not know where the time went! He is such a good kind hearted boy and we are blessed to have him in our family! He has some learning difficulties and he works to hard to overcome them! He is a good judge of character and fiercely loves those he chooses. He loves his family into eternity and is always willing to help! We had lots of family join us for a fun slip n' slide party! We had lots of breakfast food, cake and ice cream! He choose a crocodile cake and we were happy with how it turned out! 

The adults stepped in and connected the slip n' slide to our actual slide. That's when the real fun started!




Lyla is an animal lover! She can't get enough of the neighbor's baby kitties or the little piggy Uncle Tommy gave her. She squeals really loud and runs to check it out!


The kids sure love their daddy! They enjoy taking pictures with him!

Nolan found some sticker one day and decorated himself. All. Over. I have a job where I work on the computer. This is what happens when my work is interesting to all the children, they were all fighting for a view of the computer!


We were invited by Emily to swim at a friends house! Boy did we have fun! Well, Nolan the most. He and Amelia would swim all the way across the pool and back with their puddle jumpers. Grayson is TERRIFIED of water and made fun on his own while staying in the corner of the pool with the stairs. Lyla had fun until it was nap time. Thanks Emily for the super fun day!


Until next time...

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