Sunday, November 25, 2018


Everyday in October the boys asked me if it was Halloween yet. For 30 days I said, no.
We started October by going to a friend's wedding. They asked Tyler to perform the ceremony. He almost had to say no, until he found out that he could be a legal designee of the court. It was fun with a lot of GREAT food!

Then we went to Hogle Zoo just as the hot summer days began to fade. The kids had a blast!! We went with some friends and has a really nice time! 

Obligatory, "Chy can I please have a bird or prey?", picture.


The polar bear was actually swimming and it was so cool to watch! 

Lyla has a doppelganger and this picture proves it! Is it just me? Hahaha, maybe its the ponytail.
For the last couple of years, Nana's school has done a fall family party. The boys have gone and love it! They get to eat, pick pumpkins and ride a little train. This year they even had bouncy houses! Nolan is such a good brother that he picked a pumpkin for Lyla even though she wasn't there. 


I love my kiddos, but I tend to be the one behind the camera. Lately, Tyler caught some pictures of the kids and I.


Lyla loves her brothers, especially when they give her rides! They got fake mustaches as church and I can't stop laughing at this picture of Nolan!


Tyler went on another work trip, this one was in Sun Valley. It was a really nice hotel with lots of amenities. He had a nice time, but we always miss him when he is gone!


To start the week of Halloween off, Grayson's school has red ribbon week. He was very interesting in going all out! We had crazy hair day, hat day, costume day, crazy socks/shoes day and school pride day. Grayson asked for red spiky hair. He wore Texas pride on hat day. The school also had a pumpkin walk where you decorated a pumpkin for the school to see. He wanted a red brachiosaurus and it was SUPER cute. He wore reindeer socks and dinosaur slippers. Grayson loved dressing up each day!

We took a trip to Idaho. While we were there we saw my dad. At my mom's we painted pumpkins and my brother showed the boys his dinosaur costume. We also played outside a lot on Grandpa Lyle's tractor. 


Halloween finally arrived and it was cold. We are lucky to tag along to Nana and Papaw's Trunk r' Treat. It is so easy, especially on cold days. Tyler was Heimlich from A Bug's Life. FYI. This is the first year the boys chose their own costume. Nolan said it would be super cute for Lyla to be a butterfly, so we found her one! 


October was great. The first day of November the temperature dropped and I got cold. I wasn't ready for it.  
Until next time.... 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

September: Lyla Has Surgery

September has been incredibly busy! Around September 11th, we learned that Lyla had a hernia and were referred to a surgeon at Primary Children's Hospital because she is so little. We scheduled a consult with the surgeon and went home. That night her hernia became hard and she started to throw-up. She would throw up every 15-30 mins. She was very sick and very sad. It was super scary. We were instructed by doctors that those symptoms warranted an ER visit. After two ER visits (Tremonton transferred us to Primary Children's) and one sleepless night, her hernia reduced and she didn't need emergency surgery. A few days later we met with a pediatric surgeon in Riverton, Ut. He said she had a large hernia and put her on the schedule for surgery.

On September 25th, we arrived at Primary Children's Riverton Center at 6 am, because Lyla was scheduled for the first surgery of the day. She was in great spirits considering she wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything since the night before.



Tyler and I waited for about an hour and a half before we could see her again. She has 4 total incisions. The surgeon repaired her visible hernia, found one on the opposite side and fixed one in her belly button. Poor girl had three different hernias! She did so well! She was the grumpiest as she was waking up from the anesthesia. As it faded, she was hungry and had a great attitude! We arrived at 6 am and were on the way home by 10 am. In and out! By the evening time Lyla was walking on her own.



We are thankful that our baby girl and healthy and safe! We are so grateful to live this close to very specialized pediatric care! We learned a lot and are incredibly blessed!
Until next time....