Sunday, October 5, 2014

The End of Summer

I do not like it Sam, I am. I do not like the end of summer! It is a sad passing!
Remember my cool garden I was so proud of? Remember those potatoes I planted because I was a potato farmers granddaughter? They turned out looking like Mandrakes (Harry Potter reference!)... small, sad and bumpy looking mandrakes. BUT! I got a cantaloupe and it was delicious!

Nolan turned 2 months and then 3 months! He is quite the cutie! He is a very happy, smiley baby!
Grayson has been up to lots of antics! Tyler came home from work and ate some E.L. Fudge cookies as a snack before he went to bed. He left them there unbeknownst to me. The next day Grayson watched a show while I made dinner! I was so proud that he was soo good! I went downstairs to witness a fudgy, elf massacre!

He falls asleep in funny places. He was playing in the hamper in fell over! Haha. So funny!


Our last few days outside consisted of putting a chain-link fence in front of the barbwire fence. I like to see the horses! Grayson fell off of the swing and smashed his face in the ground! Poor boy had a bloody nose, bit both lips and swelled right up! Grayson also likes to pull all the petals off  of my roses. I caught him in the act!

Summer has ended. Tyler has gone back to school. He goes to Logan 4 mornings a week. I am so grateful he is willing to go and prepare a better future for my family! But it is not without grumbling! On both parts! We miss our time with him each day and he LOATHES doing classwork. We are finding that he is interested in the material, even Biology. This is a good thing, because he has a LOT of biology ahead of him! I have started piano lessons again and I am grateful for two happy boys that allow me to do it! I've also been working an at home online job that allows us to pay off our debt and get ahead with savings. It's a blessing to be able to stay home with our boys! We are very blessed and very content. We can't wait until Tyler is done with school! But until then.. we will continue! It's getting colder and I'm already looking forward to next summer!

Until next time... 

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