Monday, June 23, 2014

My Garden

I was SOO excited to plant my very first garden this year! I was totally committed to it. I knew I was crazy, because I would have a baby right in the middle of it! So I tried to go conservative. LOL. I know right? Let me walk you through it.... It had been quite the experience! I'm not bragging, just SOO excited about not failing!
This is what we started with....
Tyler so graciously shoveled compost on free compost day 
Next, we tilled it all up. It took a row or two to realize that you have to put the wheels in gear. 
The before and after of that simple fix were HUGE!

Then, I planted. I planted half a row of strawberry seeds and 4 starts. I DID NOT KILL THE STARTS, but nothing came from seed. I also planted a whole row of peas (they are my favorite!). Half the row came up, the other half didn't so I put starts in their place! I picked my first pod yesterday!
I planted two rows of corn, because, well, why not? And I am most proud of it! It's HUGE! Let's see if I get any actual, edible, ears!

I planted beans and asparagus in a row. I got one bean plant, that's all. I also learned asparagus takes a year to get crowns, but they still came up! And I am the granddaughter of a potato farmer, so I planted potatoes. Guess what?! I DIDN'T KILL THEM! My zucchini is surviving as well! My watermelon from start died, but is doing great from seed! I have a cantaloupe start AND cantaloupe from seed! They are both still alive!


Our house also came with some established raspberry bushes. (bushes? plants? Who knows). Our fence separated them, but one day earlier this week I SAW RED! I have picked twice since then and gotten a happy little bowl full of raspberries!

I'm just so excited! It has been fun! I can't wait to see what I actually harvest! I honestly thought I wouldn't succeed, but I haven't failed! Don't mind my garden ramblings! Just biding my time until the little one arrives!

Until next time.....

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