Sunday, October 5, 2014

The End of Summer

I do not like it Sam, I am. I do not like the end of summer! It is a sad passing!
Remember my cool garden I was so proud of? Remember those potatoes I planted because I was a potato farmers granddaughter? They turned out looking like Mandrakes (Harry Potter reference!)... small, sad and bumpy looking mandrakes. BUT! I got a cantaloupe and it was delicious!

Nolan turned 2 months and then 3 months! He is quite the cutie! He is a very happy, smiley baby!
Grayson has been up to lots of antics! Tyler came home from work and ate some E.L. Fudge cookies as a snack before he went to bed. He left them there unbeknownst to me. The next day Grayson watched a show while I made dinner! I was so proud that he was soo good! I went downstairs to witness a fudgy, elf massacre!

He falls asleep in funny places. He was playing in the hamper in fell over! Haha. So funny!


Our last few days outside consisted of putting a chain-link fence in front of the barbwire fence. I like to see the horses! Grayson fell off of the swing and smashed his face in the ground! Poor boy had a bloody nose, bit both lips and swelled right up! Grayson also likes to pull all the petals off  of my roses. I caught him in the act!

Summer has ended. Tyler has gone back to school. He goes to Logan 4 mornings a week. I am so grateful he is willing to go and prepare a better future for my family! But it is not without grumbling! On both parts! We miss our time with him each day and he LOATHES doing classwork. We are finding that he is interested in the material, even Biology. This is a good thing, because he has a LOT of biology ahead of him! I have started piano lessons again and I am grateful for two happy boys that allow me to do it! I've also been working an at home online job that allows us to pay off our debt and get ahead with savings. It's a blessing to be able to stay home with our boys! We are very blessed and very content. We can't wait until Tyler is done with school! But until then.. we will continue! It's getting colder and I'm already looking forward to next summer!

Until next time... 

Nolan's Blessing

Yikes. I know. It's only two months late!

We started the weekend off by celebrating with Emma and Nathan as they were married for Eternity in the Brigham City Temple. We got a nice family picture! I like it except for the face I forgot my make up that day. Thank you puffy, mommy eyes!

Grayson enjoyed stealing the yummy mini cheesecakes!

The next day Nolan was blessed by his daddy. It was sweet and I can tell how much Tyler loves his boys by the way he tries so hard to use the Spirit and bless them as Heavenly Father would. He sported a 5pc tux, just as Grayson did. And the traditional Texas socks and blanket
Family Pictures!

We had a yummy breakfast bar! We had a wonderful time with family! We didn't get very many pictures as all our family was not present! So no Swallow group pictures. BUT! I have some pictures of my family. Grayson doesn't like pictures, you shall see. 


And my favorite! See Grayson? What a punk!

Until next time.... 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Grayson is 2!

Seriously, we have a two year old! Time flies, I can't believe it! He is such a sweet boy! We are blessed to have him in our family! We started July 26, 2014 with time in the Temple as Emma received her temple work. Next, we went to a family reunion picnic of Tyler's. We came back and ended the day with dinner, ice cream and presents for our favorite oldest boy!
He's a frosting boy! The last one is my attempt at capturing him blowing out the candles! He actually did it!

He got a trampoline that he loves! He still doesn't understand how to open presents!

He and Lynnlee like to play in the pool. Well Lynnlee likes playing IN the pool, Grayson likes to play WITH the pool. Sometimes he will get in! He wouldn't go down the slide!
He loves anything round that resembles a ball. He can drop kick one repeatedly. He is not a talker and could not care less about mimicking our words. He is not a social boy and doesn't care to be around other children. He's not quite sure how to react to them being all up in his business. He is still terrified of the vacuum. He always manages to steal our toothbrushes to chew on and then loose. I can't begin to tell you how many toothbrushes we have bought this year. He LOVES outside and would be out all day if I let him, especially if I let him climb up the slide. He can't spend enough time looking for just the right rock to pick up and throw. He loves to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates. He can open Netflix on the iPad and get it started if he can sneak off with it. He likes to climb on out piano and show mommy how good he is at playing the keys. He calls Nolan "baby" and gives him kisses all day long. In the early morning he will climb in our bed and give me kisses while I am sleeping. He enjoys playing with mommy's hair and rough housing with daddy. He is most definitely a daddy's boy, his world revolves around Tyler. I am grateful Tyler is the best daddy and role model for Grayson to learn from.  He is a very happy, curious and sweet boy. We are very blessed to have him in our lives.

From newborn to toddler, where did my baby go?!

Happy Birthday Grayson!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

We had a baby!

Nolan K. Swallow joined our family on July 1, 2014! He is such a sweet baby and we are blessed to have him in our family.
On June 28th, my family and I went to the Logan, UT temple and completed Bobby's temple work. It was a very nice session, and much needed and special day in the Temple. I was worried I wouldn't even make it to or through the session as I was 3cm dilated all the week with frequent, but inconsistent contractions. However, all things worked out and Nolan decided to wait a few more days. 

Our next doctor appointment was Tuesday, July 1st. My doctor was supposed to be gone the rest of the week so we got the only appointment we could get that week. During the appointment we found out I was practically 5cm dilated, with no labor. Dr. Miller didn't want to send me home, afraid that when things got real, I wouldn't make it back to the hospital. He sent us straight over the Labor and Delivery! I was secretly hoping for this, but definitely freaked out when it actually happened! By 11 am we were checked in and my water was broken. I'm a firm believer in epidurals, so we got one of those quick and hung out all day, resting and napping. Around 4:15 it was baby time! Nolan came so easily for me! With Grayson my labor was so long and my recovery was so difficult, I was terrified. Nolan's labor was a dream labor! It made me believe that I could have a 3rd baby! We have been home, just chilling! It's been a wonderful experience. We are tired, but that's to be expected! Grayson has been great as well! He isn't put off by Nolan crying and constantly gives him kisses.
Nolan K. Swallow
July 1, 2014
7lb 12oz, 20in long