Monday, November 5, 2012

2 and 3 months

Well, our little man turned two months on Sept. 26...

  Isn't he the cutest?
That meant he got his 2 month shots... he wasn't the happiest camper...

We felt bad for the poor little thing, so we got a shot as well... not nearly as many but it's the thought right?

Tyler was playing with Grayson and Grayson is already showing early musical talent....
  Singin his little heart out!

He practices tummy time and loves the bumbo...

We are parenting Grayson right by letting him know ALL about Harry Potter, including dressing like him... Whoops he hit himself while practicing his wand skills...

Tyler really loves this little boy and wore him in the Moby wrap until Grayson decided he didn't like it very much... so Tyler wrapped him like a burrito....

Kendra stopped by for a bit one day and was holding Grayson is what looks to be a very uncomfotable position, but he LOVED it and quickly went to sleep in her arms...

Then Grayson turned 3 months old on Oct. 26! Boy the time flies!! He still sleeps a ton! Thank goodness, but more and more active each day!
Sorry for the photo bomb, but you would do it too if you had that cute face lookin at you!!
Until next time.....

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