Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Funny Faces!

You will see what the title means in a minute, but first I will update you on our lives. Unfortunately, school has started again for Tyler. He has two classes this semester that will get him his Associate's Degree from BYU-I in December. He also just got accepted to USU to start in January! He's really taking it hard. Below are two pictures that show you how he's dealing with it....

We recently had a Swamily activity day. We went to the fair and took some family pictures! You will see a bunch of random pictures from here on out. As I was cleaning my camera card, I noticed how many ridiculous faces we have caputured! Enjoy, I hope you laugh like I did!
Babies did it....
Grandparents did it....

Aunts and Uncles did it...

And our ridiculously long convoy did it.... And Mitch did it while eating a Turkey Leg of Greatness...

Hope you liked it! I have another post coming real quick, 
So until next time..

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