Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wedding Madness!

Well, my little sister got married! It was quite the occasion! It started out with a bridal shower... The bride to be...

People playing my awesome games...

Eating food and opening presents...

Haha she got a baby monitor from our mom! lol!

On the wedding day we were all looking pretty good!
My little man, Cal Lee and Nephew Bentley...

The bride getting ready...

The wedding party, first kiss and congratulations....
Cousin Nathan and Chris; Crazy Bridesmaids

Pretty Grandma, new cousin Bowen, and cousin Annah

We had a wonderful time! I love seeing all my family at our big get togethers!
Grayson has met quite a few cousins and we always check to see how they measure up!
Grayson and Logan; Grayson and Bowen; and Grayson and Lynnlee....

Grayson has also learned a new trick.... It's not really new, it just took FOREVER to get on camera!


My baby boy is smiling!! And he isn't stingy either! He shares his smiles with love!! He is already sharing his happiness and love with others!!
Nothing really new is going on in our lives. We just live it day by day. Grayson will be 2 months old tomorrow and time is flying! He gets his shots on Thursday and Momma's worrying a little bit. We will see how it goes! Tyler got new golf clubs and is proudly showing his brothers and dad up when they go out together. It's a great break for him to have! I have a new goal to find noteworthy things to write about as the last couple of posts have been dry. We do, do stuff it's just that I need to recognize the small things! Thanks for stopping by...
Until next time...

Funny Faces!

You will see what the title means in a minute, but first I will update you on our lives. Unfortunately, school has started again for Tyler. He has two classes this semester that will get him his Associate's Degree from BYU-I in December. He also just got accepted to USU to start in January! He's really taking it hard. Below are two pictures that show you how he's dealing with it....

We recently had a Swamily activity day. We went to the fair and took some family pictures! You will see a bunch of random pictures from here on out. As I was cleaning my camera card, I noticed how many ridiculous faces we have caputured! Enjoy, I hope you laugh like I did!
Babies did it....
Grandparents did it....

Aunts and Uncles did it...

And our ridiculously long convoy did it.... And Mitch did it while eating a Turkey Leg of Greatness...

Hope you liked it! I have another post coming real quick, 
So until next time..

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grayson's Blessing

On Sept. 2, 2013, my wonderful husband Tyler, blessed our son Grayson Tyler. It was a wonderful day. I am grateful for my husband and his worthiness with the Priesthood to bless our home and family. It is a wonderful gift and I know it is the power of God on earth.
Grayson got all dressed up in a 5 piece suit that included tails and a bow tie. We completed the outfit with Texas booties and Texas blanket, because after all he is half Texan and will never forget it. 


We had so much family there to support us and we are ever grateful for them! We are luck to have our families that love us and our little boy so much!
Below: Bobby and Cami, Cal Lee, Dad and Grayson, Chett enjoying some breakfast.


Regan, Cassidy, Bentley, Julie and Uncle Howard; Gramma, Grandpa, Julia and Uncle Howard


Fullmer cousins and Chett again.


Tyler had many from his family come as well! On a side note, Tyler's mom is #2 of 14 brothers and sisters; that means Grayson has 28 great aunts and uncles! So most pics are of "great" relatives
Below: Meeting Aunt April, Big Momma and Big Daddy for the first time!

Aunt Marina's Family and Uncle Dell's


Uncle Lane and Aunt Mal; Uncle Jarom

People mixing and mingling!

 This adorable little boy was born in Jan. and we got to see his sweet little face! I have a feeling he and Grayson will have LOTS of good times! Isn't he cute?

This was a great opportunity for us to get some great family photos!

My family and a four generation pic!


Tyler's Family, I love the quirkiness!

Tyler's Dad Kenney, Bro. Mitch and baby Grayson. And Tyler's most favorite mission companion Ted Cannon. Tyler is very grateful to be close enough to see him now and then.

We are doing well and our little man is growing! We are so blessed to have him! 
Until next time...