Saturday, January 21, 2012

Let's Play Catch-Up!

It's been a while. A month almost. Not so good for that weekly blog post dream I had, but I have my reasons. I've been working on this.....

And well that nasty little sickness caught up with me. This is what it looked like: 
Not pretty I know..... It's called my morning sickness corner. Note the garbage can I need to more fully utilize. Yes, that's Wendy's; love my frosty and fries! Kleenex's for my ever stuffy nose. Who knew?!? and the Ipad and Percy Jackson to pass the time! When I'm not watching Netflix! And some days the floor is more comfortable than the chair! Who'd a thunk? 
I am almost 13 weeks. Due July 31! Might change a bit, but we are excited! We've had two appointments and all is going great! Next appt. in Feb we might get to know the sex!! Love, support and prayers have been needed and a blessing!  
Tyler started a diet for a family competition and I can eat a little more so our latest shopping trip looked like this:
You can see all of Tyler's healthy food. What you don't see are the Hershey bars, snickers ice cream, gluten free Oreos and pudding I "needed". Needless to say I am NOT in the competition.
A few weeks ago, Tyler learned a hard lesson in asking your sick pregnant wife to do something she can't really do without the need to puke. This is what happened:
I was in a hurry(for need to puke) and he failed to give me the razor guard(which I failed to notice!). This wasn't on purpose! Totally an accident!! Needless to say, this happened. Whoops! So we had to cut it ALL of. He was almost bald and a few weeks later he's fine.
No blood no foul right?! 
We are SEVERELY blessed by the Lord and couldn't be more thankful! I am definitely looking to speed through the next few weeks and start to feel livable again! Tyler started school again and really ready to be done! We are doing all online right now so he can get an associates from BYUI and get a bachelors from Utah State. Needless to say the classes are difficult, but he is trudging through! We are giving talks in church tomorrow and look forward to becoming a useful part of the ward! 
Until next time....


  1. CHYANNE! I am so happy for you two! YIPEE!!! Love ya so much! Hope you get feeling better

  2. Chyanne! that's so wonderful... i am so happy for you! you are due the day before me :) lol congrats and happy baby growing! your going to be the cutest pregnant lady EVER

  3. So sorry to hear that you got hit with the super sick version of pregnancy. But that picture of Tyler's hair made me laugh out loud (sorry Tyler - ha!). At least he can roll with the punches!


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