Sunday, December 16, 2012

Catch Up Before Christmas

I asked Chyanne to update the blog before we got too far behind. She then asked why I do not update it to which I said she was just so good at it. She then said my brother update his family's blog and said she would not update again until I did one, so thanks a lot Mitch.
Anyways, we can start at Thanksgiving, this year it was my family's turn to have us. And it worked out perfect for us since my Sister ended up having her son a week before thanksgiving so we could all hold Jace. We were fortunate to have Chyanne's dad spend thanksgiving with us as well as my sister in in-law's sister`s family. Luckily my Uncle Lane and Aunt Mallory let us use theie house so we could all fit which was nice.


Mitch and his Pintrest pie

Even though it was my family's turn for thanksgiving this year, Chyanne`s family eats late enough that we were able to stop in and have dinner in both places before Chyanne went out black friday shopping so it was a good day of family and food.


The next day we had a Swamily activity. My dad recently purchased a new 9mm hand gun and wanted to shoot it. So we took it and the 22 and my Sisters husband Derek got 2 shotguns and a box of clays and we had fun. I personally like the couple picture me and Chy got. I want to print it out and save it for when my future daughter begins dating. So I can show the boys to let them know what her parents are capable of.


Other then that the updates for us are I recieved a new calling in church as the first counselor in the young mens presidency it has been fun to be more involved and play a more active role in helping these boys progress. Also I just finished my associates from ByuI and begin USU this January, Chyanne has been very supportive and good at making me feel like this degree is a great accomplishment I think she knows how far I have left and his trying to motivate me I love her. Chyanne is getting to know her relief society sisters better and get to see all of the growing Grayson is doing. Grayson is growing and growing he makes us laugh everyday and we love him so much. At his 4 month check up he was 14lbs 10 oz big and 26in long. he will be 5 months Dec 26. Now the photo bomb of my son hope you enjoy until next time. 

Jump Time
Trying bottle not a fan.
TV junkie

Getting to big
I dont want to miss a thing
Dad you done with homework yet?

First Candy Cane
Not a fan!
Merry Christmas from our little Texan!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween and Family Pictures

We took Grayson trick-or-treating because we wanted his candy. That's right, we wanted his candy. 
He slept the whole time. Below are before and after pictures.. 
We had little bear suit and he was adorable! His Uncle Tommy took him around the Trunk-or-treat.

Grayson got close ups with Aunt Lillie and Aunt Emma. Kendra went as a bride.

So, you know how people have those miniature Christmas villages? Well someone had a Halloween one! It was really cool. They had it all set up in their trunk

I also have to add the photos below, because he just MELTS MY HEART! And admit it, he melted yours too when you saw them!

Our sister Lillie, took some family photos for us yesterday.... ENJOY!

Until next time.......

2 and 3 months

Well, our little man turned two months on Sept. 26...

  Isn't he the cutest?
That meant he got his 2 month shots... he wasn't the happiest camper...

We felt bad for the poor little thing, so we got a shot as well... not nearly as many but it's the thought right?

Tyler was playing with Grayson and Grayson is already showing early musical talent....
  Singin his little heart out!

He practices tummy time and loves the bumbo...

We are parenting Grayson right by letting him know ALL about Harry Potter, including dressing like him... Whoops he hit himself while practicing his wand skills...

Tyler really loves this little boy and wore him in the Moby wrap until Grayson decided he didn't like it very much... so Tyler wrapped him like a burrito....

Kendra stopped by for a bit one day and was holding Grayson is what looks to be a very uncomfotable position, but he LOVED it and quickly went to sleep in her arms...

Then Grayson turned 3 months old on Oct. 26! Boy the time flies!! He still sleeps a ton! Thank goodness, but more and more active each day!
Sorry for the photo bomb, but you would do it too if you had that cute face lookin at you!!
Until next time.....