Sunday, January 27, 2019

December 2018

The first big snow of the season came. They kids had so much fun outside! Even Lyla! She was devastated if they left her behind! They boys loved helping Tyler and our neighbors shovel all the snow! They built the first snowman of the season and were proud of their efforts!


Grayon had a great December. His artwork was picked for the District Art Fair and he was chosen as a Cougar Leader at school. The boy is working so hard at school and we couldn't be more proud of his efforts!


Tyler had his work Christmas dinner and this year we attended with Mitch and Emily. Tyler and Mitch played a game where they had to guess what office supply was hidden in the stocking. Mitch won and got a great Christmas sweater. Grayson thought it was so funny to see him wear it!

Next we began the Christmas festivities! The boys look forward to making Christmas cookies, they did it not once, but TWICE! They did it at Nana's house and again at ours! They have so much fun making and sharing the cookies.




Santa (aka Tyler) stopped buy quickly to visit the kids one day. The boys were excited and may be starting to realize that it's Tyler under the beard. Lyla was NOT impressed. It was hilarious!


I worked really hard with our ward choir to make a Christmas program for Sunday the 23rd. It went so well, and I know I was led by the Spirit that was brought into our Sacrament meeting! We had matching Christmas church clothes and had to get a picture!
However, I got a stomach bug from my children the day after and missed Christmas Eve festivities. Tyler took the kids and made sure I got some pictures! They made nativities and I got a really cool Harry Potter Snuggie. The kids all got matching penguin pajamas!

Christmas day was so fun! We opened presents with Tyler's family, then had Christmas dinner with my visiting family! I was sick most of the day, but everyone was very helpful! It was a Paw Patrol Christmas at our house and the kids were very grateful! 


We also got to talk to Tommy! We  were very concerned about what it would be like! Tommy is on a very remote island called Rabi. He is three hours (which includes a boat ride) away from internet. We are lucky if we get an email from him once every three weeks. On the island, he has only 2 hrs a power at night from a generator that all the people on the island pay to put gas in on a monthly basis. It was so wonderful to talk to him! He looked so healthy and happy! It was great to see him looking healthy! He is having a wonderful experience and we are blessed to watch him learn and grow!

The day after Christmas the fun really began! Tyler and I worked really hard this year to save some money and take a small trip together! We both turn 30 by February and decided to celebrate! My mom was awesome enough to stick around (even though they ended up getting sick from me) and watched the kids while we spent three days in Salt Lake City. We both got some cash to use for what ever we wanted. Tyler's favorite purchase was a gun and mine was a ukulele or nice socks or maybe the handbells, I can't decide! We watched The Crimes of Grindewald and Aquaman in those theaters with nice reclining and heated seats! Both movies were great! We ate awesome food, especially the meat, at Rodizio Grill, which was a first for us! We also made a small stop to the Harry Potter exhibit and Sandy Downs Mall. Fun, but small for anyone considering a long drive to get there. Yes, you can see the "Harry Potter Crazy" in my eyes. Don't judge. It was so fun and I recommend it to anyone who needs a get-a-way!


Onto the New Year we go!
Until next time...

November 2018

We set our tree up super early this year! We were all very excited for Christmas. Everyone helped. Every morning, I would find Grayson cuddled up next to it with the lights off enjoying the light of the tree.


The kids are always busy doing funny things! Lyla is constantly watching the boys and trying to do that they do. She was very excited to be "Iron Man". Everything that looks like a super hero is Iron Man to her. She also perfected the art of flopping to the ground because she is upset about something. She lays like that MANY times a day, though I rarely know why.....

Grayson has been working so hard this year! Last year we could barely practice spelling his name and didn't even TRY to learn sight words. He just wasn't ready. This year he is already on list 4 and right on schedule with the classroom instruction! Nolan had a friend in his Primary class that recently moved away. They were friends and sad to part ways! Well, her Grandma is in Nana's ward so she came by for a quick visit during their Thanksgiving break! We miss their little family in our ward! Also, Aunt Cal Lee is great at giving rides, no matter how wary Grayson appears.


Thanksgiving was spent at home! I actually took pictures this time... j/k, I scalped them from Teresa's blog. We have quite the group of us know! They kids enjoyed the kids table and flying turkey craft for after!
We "lightly" went Black Friday shopping. It wasn't horrible and the kids found HUGE stuffed animals. It was hilarious to watch them walk around with them! You can barely see Nolan! This is also the first snow that Lyla has been old enough to notice. She was fascinated! It will be interesting to see how she reacts to playing in the snow!

Until next time...