Sunday, February 25, 2018

January 2018

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2018! We are very excited to bring in 2018! We are expecting big things this year for our family and can't wait to see what this year brings! I always find that January is my slowest picture month! After the hustle and bustle of the holidays we tend to recuperate in January and for some reason, I just don't take pictures! We are always busy now, but here goes! Tyler has started his LAST THREE CLASSES! He will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in May. They might kill us, but I can't even begin to express how ready we are for the semester to be over and summer to be in full swing! We are ready for a homework free life!

We brought in the New Year with family and ALL my children were awake at 12:01 am. We spent the evening gorging on good snacks and spending time with our family.
My dad came up for a late Christmas and we got to spend an evening with him and two of my sisters.

Grayson lost his first tooth and his teacher texted a sweet picture of him working so so hard at school! He also has started to go to Primary in a more independent manner. We caught him one day sitting at the computer writing on paper. He said he was doing homework like daddy. 

Nolan is busy busy busy! He is always into something and always has something to say! He started Primary and really enjoys it. I get to help out from time and time and I love to see him in that kind of element outside of our home! He is kind and loves his friend from church. On a side note, "Nolan's" puppy is doing great! We'd really like her to have puppies, but no luck as of yet. She really enjoys stealing the seat in front of the heater. Just like the rest of us. I guess she really does fit in our family. 
Lyla turned 8 months old and got her first piggy tails! She has such fine hair (like me) I have to be careful not to just tear it all to pieces! She also started using a cup with help! 


Tyler got his first set of piggy tails too!

Nana and Papaw had baby  lambs and the boys were sure to go and visit them! I think they are farm boys or something! 

Lastly, I snapped this picture of my littles! I sure love them! I am very grateful for my little family. They are everything I've wanted and more! We are so blessed to be where we are and doing what were doing. We are looking forward to some changes this year!

Until next time....

Sunday, February 4, 2018

December 2017

In December, we started our holiday fun!
First, we went to a Christmas light display. We took the train through the exhibit and the boys loved it! Kendra when along for the ride and got a surprise visit from Santa. All the kids got to talk Santa and get a candy cane.



We got our first and only bit of snow for the year and built a cute snowman with the cutest little boys. 

Lyla started solid foods and maybe our first baby to eat and turned 7 months old! They boys never did, so she is teaching us something new! The boys decided to drown their mac n cheese. Lastly, Grayson drew a picture of our Bishop during tithing settlement, glasses and all. 


7 month old baby!

Nana and Kendra drew Grayson some pictures that he NEEDED to add to his bedroom. Zach visited again and likes to grab bows. 


Grayson got a CTR ring from church. He was so careful that it took almost two weeks before it got lost!

We took some time this year to make cookies for our friends and family. The boys had such a good time. They were so good and worked very hard to make nice cookies. 



Tyler was Santa for the company daycare this year. He was able to stop by and bring treats from Santa.

The very next day he took two weeks off from work using a bunch of left over vacation time. Unfortunately, he got what I believe was THE flu. He spent his birthday and most of his time off sick!

I got Lyla's stocking made and we were ready for Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve at Nana's making nativities and wearing the giant sombrero.


My sister stopped by to exchange presents and we got a picture with all the cousins on my side!

My babies in Christmas PJS is too much! I love them!
Christmas was wonderful and we love our little family!