Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Grayson Boy!

Grayson has had quite the last 6 months. He has probably had the biggest changes of us all! This will update quite a bit on what he has been up to!

He loves Disney's Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so for Halloween he was a pirate! He loved the bright orange cupcakes!

 In November we began the length of Grayson's story. Grayson was not talking. We were waiting seeing if maybe he was just a late bloomer. You know, boys develop a little slower than girls. Something still felt amiss. At almost 2 1/2, we felt we needed to get him evaluated. Our pediatrician referred us to Up to 3, a wonderful early intervention program! As a mother, I worry. It comes with the territory. Part of me was worried, there was something wrong with his hearing. So we started by getting Grayson in for a Hearing Evaluation. We had to drive 30 mins to find a doctor that could do that. I specifically made the appointment so Tyler could be there to help. We knew Grayson wouldn't want to be touched by the doctor and Nolan would need to be held. However, that day came and Tyler's class ran so late I had to take both boys alone to the appointment. No big deal right? I considered this part of my motherhood initiation and said, "suck it up, girl!" So I get to the office and they have the parking lot closed due to renovations and I parked like a MILE AWAY! With a baby in a car seat and a toddler that can't walk more than a few feet without getting distracted! So we get in and get on with the appointment. Grayson protested as was expected. Nolan did really well until the last 15 mins where I was holding both boys and both were crying. Grayson was so exhausted afterward he fell asleep sitting up. Thus I sent the two following pictures to Tyler that day. The only problem? This was the waiting room and we still had to get back to the car miles away. I think I deserved the Mother with Two Kids On an Outing Badge. The good news? Grayson's hearing is perfect and he's just a pro at ignoring me! :)

In December, Grayson was evaluated by the Up to 3 early intervention program. It was two different days of testing and it was VERY difficult for Tyler and I not to coach him as the tests had to be administered and taken in a very specific way. He qualified for Speech Therapy and ABC services(more on that later. We started by going to the Up to 3 Christmas activity. Grayson decorated his own ornaments and cookies!
Every other Thrusday we go to a music class they offer.
When we don't go to music we go to ABC class a small group preschool that helps children adjust and prepare for real preschool. We love it and all the progress it has given Grayson.

Christmas for Grayson was really fun this year! Grayson enjoyed "helping" to set up the tree.

We had to keep reminding ourselves to slow down and not buy everything we saw! We were able to pick two presents we KNEW he would love! And he did!
 Grayson started the New Year BUSY! He has a least one event a week. Sometimes two! He also got his new puppy Bluebonnet! He was pretty scared of dogs, but getting Blue was one of the best things we could have done! He really interacts and plays with her! For some reason he really likes her bed! Shes about as tall as he is now!

Everyday he tries so hard to be helpful! He likes to share with and feed Nolan!

It has warmed up and made this boy's dream come true! He cannot get enough of being outside! He can now climb the ladder on our set out back and go down the big kid slide! Papaw Swallow had baby goats and he loves to chase them around!

For good measure a few of my favorite pictures!

 Next up... Tyler and Chyanne

Nolan Boy!

I'm catching up the blog from the last five months! I decided that each boy will get their own update!
So Nolan has grown A LOT since October!
For Halloween, Nolan was the sweetest little pumpkin!

In November he turned 4 months,

In December he turned 5 months!

He also had his very first Christmas! I was very excited to have the boys in matching pjs! I also love that Nolan is look at Grayson like, "why the fit dude?" (Grayson hates pictures lol).

In January he turned 6 months, started eating real food and finally rolled over!

January was the month he met his new puppy, Bluebonnet (after the flower of Texas), the English Mastiff. Take the word "puppy" lightly, because she's HUGE!

February, Nolan turned 7 months! He's rolling all over the place and loves to watch Grayson!

In March is warmed up and we spent some time outside! Remember our "puppy"? She's ginormous! And we love her and she loves our boys! She is such a good dog! It is now raining this week and we are ready for summer! My 8 month old baby decided to scoot along on his belly today! Where does the time go?

 Next up...
A blog for Grayson!