Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lessons Learned...

As you can guess we have been busy busy! Tyler is taking 3 classes this semester, working full time (or more) and is in the Elder's Quorum Presidency. I teach piano lessons, do a little part-time online job and teach the Sunbeams. Basically, we always have something to do! It has been a long winter, but the Sun has started to come out again! So the previous owners of our house were amazing! We looked outside one day and flowers EVERYWHERE! It's awesome!


We scored this awesome slide for 6 bucks! It was for Easter, but Tyler couldn't wait to give it to him! I loves putting rocks, golf balls and basketballs at the top, roll them down and follow. It's quite amusing! He is such a boy. He favors balls and sticks. He'll be entertained all day with either of the two!



I have always known that quite children are making messes. However, this is still a lesson I needed to learn personally. Grayson had wandered off I realized I hadn't heard much from him. I began looking for him and found him on the table-a skill new to me and covered in... chocolate cupcakes! He was so proud of himself!

We took a new set of family pictures a few months ago. They aren't the best, but it's been a while since we've had a picture of all of us together! 

We are busy, but I'll be better a pictures AND posts! Keep checking! 
Until next time...

Woah! Where did the time go?

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's about time. But, holy cow! I look back at all the pictures and it's amazing at what has changed in our family and where we are today! I'll just do the big events between now and then; a few blog posts should round it out. Enjoy!

Summer came to a close. Grayson and I did all we could to spend every minute we could soaking up the last of the sun! My little goober sure loves outside! Look at that handsome boy! He love rocks, and eating them. We're working on it. :)


The leaves changed colors and fell all over my yard! As you can tell we had quite the pile of leaves. Kendra and Grayson really enjoyed them!


For Halloween, Grayson was Harry Potter. Yes, we are THAT generation. Yes, my children will know it!
Anyways, we went to Nanna and Papaw's ward party! They had lots of games and a trunk or treat! Makes it so much easier as it was FREEZING! Tyler had to work and missed the fun! Tommy and Kendra matched Grayson. Kendra was a dead ringer for Hermione! I loved watching my little boy try to eat the donut! SO funny! Fatty alert!


Next, the unimaginable happened.... It snowed. I really thought we were in for it. However, Grayson LOVED it! Snow gear and all! We have an awesome suit from Aunt Marina! Tyler got a lot of workouts this winter. He got the enjoyable task of shoveling our driveway. Which get substantially bigger when you shovel it everyday or more than once a day. 

Tyler's birthday came and went. Christmas came. Grayson decorated and un-decorated the tree. You can see our child proof line. 


That ended 2013 for us! It was quite a whirlwind, but we ended it with good memories and a sweet boy we can't seem to get enough of!
Until next time....