Sunday, July 29, 2012

Grayson Tyler Has Arrived!!!!!

Grayson Tyler has made his entry to this world finally, his mother was beginning to go a little crazy with waiting. She is currently taking care of the big man right now so I Tyler have stepped up and promised to do the blog and give the details to the Scariest/ Happiest moment of our lives.

It Started Monday July 23, we had a doctor appointment and he let us know that Chy was at a 3 and it could be any day. We went home to Chy having contractions for a couple hours, but sleep made those disappear, the next day again more contractions, but nothing that made it feel like it was time to go to the hospital, then Wednesday again more contractions and this time they felt different and seemed like they were going to stay. So we went in Wednesday night to see if this was real the nurse checked and said we were at a four but contractions were close she called Dr. Miller and he came in and broke Chys water she was nervous that she would not progress. That however was not the case and by midnight the contractions were not being friendly anymore so Chy decided to get an epidural to help relax and maybe catch some sleep before the pushing began. By ten that next morning Chy was at a 9.5 and the nurse was concerned that Chy might be to small for Grayson to deliver normal. Needless to say this nurse was not our favorite at all. Thankfully she does not make the call Dr. Miller came in around 12 and said he felt that Chy would be fine so we began pushing. My wife is the most amazing person I have ever met halfway through pushing she was making jokes about how women who dont have epidurals are crazy. And at 1:20 pm our son arrived with a little help from a suction tool that left a hicky for a little while. He came out and you could tell that he was glad to be out of there he did not cry right away he just sort of looked around and took it in. Next he was given to his mother and then the vistors began. I being the good husband took charge of the pictures so get ready for a massive photo bomb. You can tell I love my boy! He was 7lbs. 9 oz. and 19.5 inches long!

Waiting on Grayson. And Mommas first look at her beautiful Boy.

Collection of shots of Grayson 

Wide eye Boy and a Proud Dad!
Grandparents that waited at the hospital with us, Papaw and Nana, and Grandma Mcrae.

                       His first time meeting aunt Lillie and Emma, and his favorite place to sleep
A gift from Nana

His great Aunt Taletha, Aunt Cal Lee, and Great Grandpa Peterson

                                   Uncle Tommy, Ride home from the Hospital, Great Grandma Peterson

Aunt Chalese, Aunt Cassidy, Aunt Kendra

Sleeping with Daddy, Chillin with Mommy, And a gift from Great Grandma Swallow.

Catchin some sun to pass the Billirubin test.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random Pictures of Importance Post

So this post is SUPER random because there are photos on the the card I think are important, but don't really fit anywhere. Since I am making a book out of our blog at the end of the year, I needed to get them in here. Not much has been going on. Being 36 weeks pregnant we are pretty much home bound. We stay busy with baseball games and practices! 
A few weeks ago Kendra(Tyler's little sister) spent the day with us while everyone else was out and about. She got to play Wii Fit and really enjoyed the yoga! She was good at it too!!! 

This is an Orchid Tyler bought me for Valentine's Day in 2011. We took care of it and it re-bloomed recently! We are proud of having kept our "love" alive! It bloomed so beautiful and large! Had to show it off! 
Next we see Tyler modeling our new Moby wrap! I've been wanting to try one and we found one CHEAP on KSL! Tyler is sporting a Moby in black carrying a 4lb bag of sugar! Doesn't he just shine! :) Love that boy! Lastly we found an expectant mother's parking spot! We took FULL advantage. I'm 34 weeks in this picture!

We decided it was time to get a new camera! A Canon Rebel! It's super nice! I had a hard time spending the money and thought I would be happy with a Nikon I was looking at. I didn't want "too much camera". But once I started playing with it, Tyler had me sold on the idea! I felt bad taking a picture of such a beautiful thing with our crappy old camera, but what'd ya do? Needless to say, I have been doing a lot of reading and playing with this new toy so I can learn the manual settings and what not! I'm excited to see what I can do with it! 

We bought it because our old one wouldn't cut it for the baby picture extravaganza that is about to ensue. Yes, it's being held together by a pony tail holder...

We just had our 36 week appointment today! So far, everything looks good! Baby boy is head down and measuring right! Can't wait to meet our little man!! 
Maybe baby next??? Until next time....