Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tyler's 23 on 23!

Most importantly, it was Tyler's 23 birthday on Friday! Boy, did we have fun! Mitch, Emily, Beth and Derek all made a special visit to help Tyler celebrate! Mitch and Emily were here all we and we got a lot of time to enjoy with them! Beth and Derek got here Thursday when we had an early cake and ice cream party! Tyler's family gave him Super Mario Galaxy Wii game. It's fun and he already really likes it! I got him a new Ipad case that works much better than the last one! My family got him The Fast and Furious movies #1-4.  Here's a picture of the loot!

The next day my mom and younger siblings came down! We rode the Frontrunner Train from Ogden to Salt Lake where we visited Temple square and saw the lights!

We went back to the place where Tyler proposed 1 yr ago! And YES! I was FREEZING! 
Then we had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas Eve and Christmas day! We are very blessed to have families to spend time with! Christmas is a wonderful time. I am grateful Jesus was born and that He died for us! We should worship and remember Him ALL year and keep a special place in our hearts open just for Him.
Merry Christmas!
Until next time....

Saturday, December 17, 2011

6 Months!

Well, as of tomorrow, Tyler and I will have been married 6 months! It's been quite the fun ride! We both have done and grown alot together! Tyler worked full time while taking classes and just finished Fall Semester! It was his hardest so far! He also got a job promotion shortly after we were married! I have done a lot too, I got to read a lot of books in 6 months, I made my very own applesauce and strawberry jam(with some help of course!) and I recently got a job. We have both been busy, but best of all we have grown closer! We are still learning how to have a good relationship and have the utmost unselfishness. Can't explain how much I love my Tyler. I am grateful for all he is and all he help me become!
I also wanted to take this opportunity to explain Tyler and Chyanne's story. Don't worry, I'll keep it short.
We met Fall semester 2010. We met through a friend Isaac Potter. He and Tyler served in the same mission. Isaac and I, well, dated a bit. I remember the first time we met and how attractive I thought Tyler was, especially in hat( I have a thing for guys in hats). We quickly became friends because he is so funny! We began to spend more and more time together. I liked having a new friend! (unbeknownst to me he had an agenda!) On our first date we went out to eat at Winger's in  Rexburg. Later we went to the Nature Park and just talked.  Neither of us can explain how at ease we were with each other and what a wonderful time we had just talking! Honestly the best date I ever had! We quickly moved from there! Like turned to love and we were engaged Dec. 22, 2010. We went to Salt Lake Temple Square where we danced to our song. He got down on one knee and said all the right sweet nothings. I may or may not have hit the boy because he carried the ring for a month before he proposed and made me so sure it would be much later the next year! Soon after we were engaged I went to Boise, Idaho for student teaching and he back to Rexburg for another semester. It was hard and honestly sucked, but we are stronger for it. We learned to better communicate and listen to each other. We were lucky to get MANY visits. Below are many pictures of our time together.
This was very early on when Mitch and Tyler bought bull whips to play with! 
Feeding Ducks at the Nature Park
At Christmas time right before getting engaged 

Right after getting engaged! :) Love the hat???
 Discovery Science center in Boise! We just played and played!
My first Baskin Robins on a Boise visit!
Bird of Prey refuge! Made Tyler's life! He wants a hawk soo bad!! :)
We love where we've come from and we're excited for where we're going! We can't deny that God has a hand in our lives! He leads us where He needs us and teaches us along the way! 
Merry Christmas until next time.... 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week of Thanks!

This week has been quite the trip! Tyler and I were able to visit my family in Idaho this week! It was a lot of fun! We stayed at my grandparents house! I love to stay with them They are quite the characters! We get to laugh a lot when we visit!
I made my own gluten free dutch apple pie
Neither of us are really in to Black Friday shopping, but we still got some good deals on a few needed things. The word needed is still subject to review....
We got our first Christmas Tree! Thanks to the dollar store, Tyler's mom and a wedding gift; we got it decorated nicely! It's a little "scantily clad", but I believe it has character and it was cheap so Merry Christmas!
Tyler finally got his big tv. 42 inches to be exact. He knows not to ask for anything for quite a while if he's smart! ;) just kidding! We will have fun with this! We can watch our loved netflix and play wii games now! Tyler is one lucky man if you ask me! The size isn't as apparent in the picture as I expected, but it's big I promise. Ask Tyler, he'll tell you ALL about it! :)

Last post I talked about a job I recently got. I work at the daycare for Tyler's company. They daycare is off site in a different part of town. It is in a reconstructed and remodeled church. It has an upstairs and a downstairs. It has beautiful stained glass windows! The daycare is open from 4:30 am to 6 pm. There are 8 girls that all share shifts. I usually work 11:30-close. So far it's been a lot of fun! I'm starting to get into a routine and know the kids! It's a great job to help supplement our savings!
P.S. I've been told the bell in the tower indeed works! Neat eh?
Well, if you are wondering why I don't have as many pictures as my wonderful Mother in law Teresa it's because I blow a taking pictures! I'll get better because my new goal is to write EVERY week on the blog! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! And Merry Christmas!
Until next time....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Welcome to our family time!

In this blog I wanted to share our families and where we came from!
Tyler was born in Texas and has lived in Utah, Alabama, North Carolina and Arkansas. Tyler is #2 of 7. His dad got a job at West Liberty Foods that brought their family back to Utah this Spring. Yes, we live close to them and YES we LOVE it! They are very fun!
Tylers family at our wedding. Much has changed since then as there were TWO other weddings the next month.
Mitch Married Emily and...
Beth Married Derek
We had quite the summer!

My family has always been in Rexburg, Idaho. Recent changes have moved my family and they all live in different parts of Eastern Idaho. I don't get to see them often as we live 2hrs away. Our crazy schedule keeps our visits short!
My family the day of our wedding. Can you tell we don't take pictures much?
I also received the calling of aunt shortly after our wedding.
Bentley Diesel McRae

We love our families!
Until next time....

Let's Begin!

My wonderful Mother in law Teresa Swallow, had dutifully blogged the whole past year! As a result she found a company that will compile your blog posts and make them into a book! It's really neat and got me started on the blogging train! So I'll start from the beginning. Tyler and I were married in the Rexburg, Idaho Temple on June 18, 2011. Since then we have lived in Tremonton, Ut-yeah google map it. It has a small town feel very much like Rexburg, it just doesn't have a Walmart. Tyler is a Quality Assurance Tech at West Liberty Foods here in town. We are blessed because it really takes care of our needs! We are starting to like working for big companies. They really take care of you! He works from 4am-2pm M-F and 1 weekend day depending. We like the early shift because we can have our cake and eat it too! He works 50 hrs a week and is taking online classes from BYU-Idaho until he can transfer to USU and get a Bachelors Degree there. Work and school have been quite the experience for Tyler. Let's just say he hates his homework. As for me, I have my Bachelors degree from BYU-I in Elementary Education. We got to Tremonton a little late to find teaching jobs, so I was unsuccessful. Not teaching has also become a blessing. We decided that two stressful full time jobs is not what we wanted. Tylers job provides well enough for us that I don't have to work full-time. I recently got a part-time job at the Day Care for Tylers company. It's a nice and comfortable job for me. It gets me out of the house and will help pay my student loans off more quickly! It looks like we will be here in Tremonton for a while. We try to stay busy, and we are starting to get into a routine of things. Life is becoming life! Until next time....